Experienced Players
We may ask our more experienced friends to to help us promote and to join in our Tag Team Harmonica Classes. Chicago Bob Longmire and PT George Yount are developing a virtual class experience for beginning harmonica players and those who need to brush up the skills. The purpose is to bring students up to a strong intermediate level, giving them a broad base of straight and cross harp concepts and skills. If you know someone who wants to learn the harmonica, this will be a fun way to learn.
Experienced harmonica players are welcome to participate too. We need big brothers and big sisters for the purpose of learning the curriculum and a commitment to share it with others.
Bob and George have done three group-based classes before, and looking forward to another one. We started by teaching both straight and cross harp tunes from the very beginning. We were worried that it might be confusing, but found it not only possible but effective. This “Tag Team” program builds on what we learned from our past experiences.
We are both eager to get back to the classes because it's fun and because our purpose is to create harmonica players. Help us spread the joy of the harmonica.